I learned about a lot in the measurement, like how to measure circles and squares and different shapes and also how to use pi in my calculations. The unit was alright as far as math goes, i learned quite a lot but i felt we shouldn't have spent so much time on one certain thing in that area. I could have improved quite a bit, i wasn't here for most of the unit so it took me awhile to catch up with everyone once I was back at school, and i wish i hadn't gotten sick so it hadn't taken so long. I would make sure everyone understood before we moved on, because i knew there had been 

I learned a lot in the integer unit this year, and i'm sure it will help me in the future. When we first started i was confused, but I learned that it's just like The adding and subtracting i'd already learned about. once we started subtracting negatives it got confusing again and I didn't really understand it, but the number line  and counters we used still made it even more confusing, not helping that much, so I did it my way and understood finally. personally i didn't like the unit that much, the integer projects didn't seem that useful and i'm pretty sure it's known not a lot of people are that happy to do math, but i got what the learning intentions had been and In know what they are now, so i guess i did well .


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